Used to create random networks in graph theory.
Each edge, has a fixed probability of being present or absent independent of other edges.
Start with a network of n nodes with no edges amongst them.
There are going to be n choose 2 pairs of nodes in the network, we have to decide whether an edge should be added between a pair of these nodes or not.
p can be any value between 0 and 1. If the value of p is high, more number of edges will be added to the network, if lower, there will be lesser edges.
##### Steps for Implementation
1. Take n, i.e. total number of nodes from the user
2. Take p, i.e. the value of probability from the user
3. Create an empty graph. Add n nodes to it
4. Add edges to the graph randomly
##### Steps to be followed for adding edges Randomly
1. Take a pair of nodes
2. Get a random number r, between 0 and 1
3. If r is less than p: Add this edge, else ignore
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3